
Showing posts with the label goa explore

How to get a girl in Goa

Get hooked in Goa Well, before we began, let me rephrase the title for you. It simply means how to ask a girl out in Goa - for a date or to be your soulmate. I ain't here to be a pimp and that's DEFINITELY NOT why I wrote this post. I am here to tell you how to approach a girl or a woman and ask her out. Well, this can help if you're travelling alone and need some company. Here we go! So, to all the single guys out there - especially in Goa - who want to get into a relationship as quickly as the time passes, I've got just the right dose of attitude, confidence, one-liners and socialising knowledge to get you through. This will get you the resilient and outgoing behaviour you need to talk to any girl you like.. Here's an example: What is the first think you feel is lacking (within you) when you see the girl of your dreams? Money? Wrong! Looks? Wrong again!! It is apparently "CONFIDENCE"!! What do you reckon? No matter how handsome or wealthy ...